Home » how to say good job in spanish

how to say good job in spanish

by editor k

I’ve tried to translate the title for you, but I can’t find a more elegant translation.

This was a great translation, so I’m looking forward to it.

So, you can either just say it like you would say “good” or “very good” or maybe “great job” or even “great job”. I think the latter is the most elegant and most effective.

This is a question that many people ask when they see a job title translated into Spanish. A word often translated as “good job” is actually the verb “dar consejos” which can be translated into Spanish as “to give advice.” So, although it may be a bit corny, this is the word you want to use when you see a title translated into Spanish.

There are a lot of subtleties that can be tricky, but there are also a lot of ways to say it. A good way to say it is “Buen trabajo, muchachos”. This is the most natural translation, which is why it is one of the most commonly used titles in Spanish.

The translation “good job” is a little bit of a misnomer because the verb “trabajar” is more commonly used to describe the act of doing work. In this case, the verb is “dar consejos” which is the noun “consejos” which is used to describe the advice given.

If you want to say good job, then you’d better say it in Spanish with the consejos which is the verb dar consejos. The verb is more commonly associated with work, so saying good job is a little bit easier than saying hola.

The verb dar consejos is the noun consejos which is used to describe the advice given. The verb is used more often in Spanish than in English so if you want to say good job, youd better use the noun. The reason that we use the verb dar consejos is because Spanish is a very formal language. When doing business in a formal setting, youd better use the verb dar consejos.

It might be fun to say “good job” in an English-speaking culture, but I doubt that many native English speakers would do it. But that doesn’t mean that it’s a bad thing. The way that we use the verb in English is to use the “h” sound, so we can say “good job” as opposed to “hello.

Now that is a problem. If you want to say good job in Spanish, youd better use the verb dar consejos. This is because Spanish is a very formal language. When doing business in a formal setting, youd better use the verb dar consejos.

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